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AI/DT Final Presentation Event 첨부파일

Writer : PAMS Program | Date : 2023.06.22 | Hit : 64

The Artificial Intelligence in the Era of Digital Transformation final presentation event was held this semester on the 5th of June. This event is held every semester at the conclusion of PAMS’s flagship AI/DT course, and is an excellent showcase of the talents and hard work of some of the top PAMS students from our partner institutions. This semester was no different, and students, faculty, corporate partners and guests were all treated to four fascinating, in-depth and professional business solutions produced by our AI/DT student teams.

This presentation is the culmination of the core AI/DT assignment - to create a business solution for a real-world corporate partner who works closely with the team, through Zoom meetings and email correspondence, providing feedback that the team then puts into practice. This semester we were lucky enough to have four excellent corporate partners:

Singing Beetle from South Korea, represented by Mr. Moon Cho

Tokocrypto from Indonesia, represented by Rieka Handayani

Recove from Malaysia, represented by Abd Rahman

OIG from China represented by Ms. Sylvan Zhu

These corporations generously gave up their time and expertise to help this course project become a reality. They also were present in the presentation evening to give valuable live feedback to the students on their final presentations.

The projects are a key part of the assessment for the AI/DT course, and were therefore scrutinized and judged by a judging panel from five of our partner institutes:

Prof. Gesko from WSU

Prof. Amirul from UKM

Prof. Winardi from UGM

Prof. Vinh from FTU

Prof. Huaxaio from SYSU

This team carefully evaluated the presentations upon a strict rubric, which also determined this semester’s event winner, Team 4 from OIG. Congratulations Team 4! This team consisted of:

Shokhrukh Rakhmonov (team leader)

Linh Phạm Khánh (team scribe)

Yuanyuan Jiang

Murodullaev Niyoz

Their excellent analysis and solution to grading downstream customers for OIG was a credit to their hard work and impressive ability to coordinate and work together internally, and with Ms. Sylvan Zhu from OIG.

That said, all teams produced high quality work, while enduring sometimes difficult working conditions and unforeseen challenges. All participating students should feel proud of the business solution they produced.

The evening concluded with a certificate slideshow and concluding remarks from university leaders from all the core PAMS members. These remarks were well received and heartfelt.

As the MC for this event, I would like to thank everyone involved - faculty, students and corporate partners, for their efforts in making this event, once again, a great success. The AI/DT course remains a truly unique and valuable course for the highest level of PAMS applicants, and I look forward to the enthusiasm and creativity that our next semester’s cohort will bring with them.

[See the PAMS website Gallery for all the pictures from the event!]